The CHI Tutorial Program Just What is the "Common Ground"?
Mark Altom, AT&T Bell Laboratories Marian G. Williams, University of Massachusetts
Contextual Techniques Handling the Organization
Karen Holtzblatt, Hugh Beyer, InContext Enterprises, Inc.
Visual Interaction Design Special Interest Area Annual Meeting
Loretta Staples, U dot I, Inc. Suzanne Watzman, Watzman Information Design
Current Issues in Assessing and Improving Documentation Usability
Stephanie Rosenbaum, Tec-Ed Technical Communication and Graphics Services,Inc. Judith
Ramey, University of Washington
The Garnet and Amulet User Interface Development Environments
Brad A. Myers, Carnegie Mellon University
Ergonomic Standards for Software Economic and Design Implications
Patricia A. Billingsley, The Merritt Group
Usability Management Maturity, Part 1 Self-Assessment - How Do You Stack Up?
George A. Flanagan, IBM Consulting Group Thyra L. Rauch, IBM Corporation
Getting Respect Beyond Lip-Service to HCI Contributions
Harold H. Miller-Jacobs, TASC
Usability Management Maturity, Part 2 Usability Techniques - What Can You Do?
Thyra L. Rauch, IBM Corporation George A. Flanagan, IBM Consulting Group
SIGKID Multimedia and Children
Lynn Rosener, The Learning Company Debra Lieberman, Raya Systems, Inc.
Subjective Usability Feedback from the Field over a Network
Bruce Elgin, Telos Corporation
Computer Systems Technical Group (CSTG) Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics
Society (HFES)
Martha E. Crosby, University of Hawaii
Using Speech and Audio in the Interface
Stephanie Everett, US Naval Research Laboratory Bill Gaver, Royal College of Art
Participatory Design Practices A Special Interest Group
Elizabeth B.-N. Sanders, Elizabeth H. Nutter, Fitch Inc.
Usability Lab Tools
Paul Weiler, Bob Hendrich, Monty Hammontree, SunSoft Inc.