CHI 2002 minneapolis, minnesota USA | april 20-25, 2002
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for presenters Room Assignment & Technology
Saturday, 20 April 2002
Sunday, 21 April 2002
Monday, 22 April 2002
Tuesday, 23 April 2002
Wednesday, 24 April 2002
Thursday, 25 April 2002
Date Start Time End Time Room Session # Session Name Speaker Name PC Mac OS Internet Sound Zip Bringing Own Special Requests
4/21 9:00 12:30 102DEF T3 Information Visualization and Visual Perception Ed Chi and Stuart Card 1 2000 Y laptop and videos (VHS)
4/21 9:00 17:30 101H T4 Promoting, Establishing, and Institutionalizing Usability Engineering Deborah Mayhew Dell Laptop
4/21 9:00 17:30 208AB T5 Cognitive Factors in Design: Basic Thomas Hewitt
4/21 9:00 17:30 101F T6 E-Business Design Process- A Just-in-e-time Approach for Practitioners Degen, Lubin. Pedell, and Ji Y
4/21 9:00 17:30 101B T7 Let's Get Small: Experience Design for the Mobile Internet David More and Vincent Helgar Sony VAIO laptop, W2K
4/21 9:00 17:30 101C T8 A Primer on Test Design and Statistics Andrew Dillon 1 9.1 Y Mac Laptop
4/21 9:00 17:30 102ABC T9 Goal-Directed Methods for Great Design Kim Goodwin laptop, W2K
4/21 9:00 17:30 101J T10 Crafting the Compelling User Experience Carolyn Bjerke and Didier Bardon 2 IBM Tpads
4/21 9:00 17:30 101I T11 Designing Multimedia User Interfaces Alistair Sutcliffe and Leon Watts Y VAIO laptop W2K tables struck twice?
4/21 9:00 17:30 206AB T12 Discovering User Needs: Field Techniques You can Use Kate Gomoll and Ellen Story 1 PBook, 1 PC laptop
4/21 9:00 17:30 101G T13 Designing Systems that Adapt to their Users Anthony Jameson 1 98 Y Y laptop and Palm Acrobat, Netscape, etc.
4/21 9:00 17:30 208CD T14 Advanced Usability Testing Methodology Rolf Molich Dell laptop
4/21 14:00 17:30 101A T15 Understanding Users' Work in Context Susan Dray 1 2000 Y
4/21 14:00 17:30 205ABCD T16 Web Sites that Work Spool up to 13 2000 Y Y Laptop
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