The Development Consortium can be used as a vehicle for examining issues and directions that the HCI community and SIGCHI should develop in the coming years. This year, it will focus on realizing the CHI 2002 goal of providing unique opportunities for bringing together diverse members of the global HCI community. This will be accomplished, in part, by the inclusion of South African researchers, designers, developers, and educators.
Changing the World, Changing Ourselves in South Africa
Sunday and Monday, 21-22 April
Each year, the Development Consortium sets out to look at issues and directions that the HCI community and SIGCHI should develop in the coming years. This year the development consortium brings South Africans and international participants together with a common goal:
to explore cultural experiences across a range of interactive technologies and applications, in various sectors vital to the growth of South African society and economy.
The Consortium is made up of an interdisciplinary group of participants representing a variety of perspectives; professional, occupational, and geographical. Participants have been invited on the basis of position papers submitted to the Consortium's organizer.