Throughout the conference, CHI 2002 will highlight specific areas of interest that relate to the conference theme: Changing the World, Changing Ourselves. This theme draws our attention to the profound changes interactive technologies have made and will continue to make in the way we work, play, communicate, and think.
These areas of interest include:
- Radical visions of computing in the future, from nanotechnology to spiritual computing
- How such new visions will change the way we work, play, and think
- How HCI as a body of knowledge and practice will change
- Retrospectives on how technology has transformed individuals and society in the past
- Reflection on how HCI research and practice have changed as new technologies have emerged and been adopted
- Case studies of design and usability in practice
- New, integrative, or forward-looking perspectives on HCI
- HCI and its social and economic implications
- Analysis, design, and evaluation methods
- Theoretical foundations of HCI
- Devices and display systems, tools, and interaction techniques
- Critical reviews of HCI work
- Guidelines and design heuristics
We encourage the CHI community to define emerging research and development initiatives that relate to the conference theme through the submission process. In turn, these sub-themes will be woven throughout the various venues of the conference. For more detailed information, contact the Transforming Technologies Chair at