CHI 2002 minneapolis, minnesota USA | april 20-25, 2002
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9:00 to 10:30


Innovative UIs for Non-traditional Environments

  • Roomware: The Second Generation
    Norbert Streitz, Thorsten Prante, Christian Müller-Tomfelde, Peter Tandler, Carsten Magerkurth, Fraunhofer IPSI, Germany
  • E-Windshield: A Study of Using
    Ted Selker, Winslow Burlson, Ernesto Arroyo, MIT Media Lab, USA
  • Prototype Implementations for a Universal Remote
    Gottfried Zimmerman, Gregg Vanderheiden, Al Gilman, Trace R&D Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA


New Issues in Teaching HCI: Pinning a Tail on a Moving Donkey

Jonathan Lazar, Towson University, USA

Jenny Preece, UMBC, USA
Terry Winograd, Stanford, USA
Jean Gasen, Capital One, USA

Invited Discussion

Interacting with Identification Technology: Can It Make Us More Secure?

Jean Scholtz, NIST, USA
Jeff Johnson, UI Wizards,USA

Alan Wexelblat, HOVIR, USA

Ben Shneiderman, University of Maryland, USA
Peter Hope-Tindall, dataPrivacy Partners, Canada
Jonathon Phillips, NIST & DARPA, USA
Marcus Gosling, IDEO, USA


Confidence and Trust

  • Adaptive Testing: Effects on User Performance
    Eva Jettmar, Clifford Nass, Stanford University, USA
  • Rich Media Helps Trust Development
    Nathan Bos, Judith Olson, Gary Olson, Zachary Wright, University of Michigan, USA
    Darren Gergle, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
  • Trust Without Touch: Jumpstarting Long-Distance Trust with Initial Social Activities
    Judith Olson, Jun Zheng, Nathan Bos, Gary Olson, Elizabeth Veinott, University of Michigan, USA

Controlling Complexity

  • Automating CPM-GOMS
    Bonnie John, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
    Alonso Vera, Michael Matessa, Michael Freed, Roger Remington, NASA Ames Research Center, USA
  • Investigating Human-Computer Optimization
    Stacey Scott, Neal Lesh, Gunnar Klau, Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratory, USA
  • An Evaluation of Multiple Interfaces: A Design Solution For Bloated Software
    Joanna McGrenere, Ronald Baecker, University of Toronto, Canada, Kellogg Booth, University of British Columbia, Canada

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11:30 to 13:00


Technology to Help People Find Information

  • SearchKids: A Digital Library Interface for Young Children
    Juan-Pablo Hourcade, Allison Druin, Lisa Sherman, Benjamin B. Bederson, Glenda Revelle, Dana Campbell, Stacey Ochs, Beth Weinstein, University of Maryland, USA
  • Video Browsing Interfaces for the Open Video Project
    Gary Geisler, Gary Marchionini, Barbara Wildemuth, Anthony Hughes, Meng Yang, Todd Wilkens, Richard Spinks, Xiangming Mu, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
  • Smart Skip: Consumer Level Browsing and Skipping of Digital Video Content
    Steven Drucker, Asta Glatzer, Steven De Mar, Curtis Wong, Microsoft Research, USA


Future Interfaces: Social and Emotional

Alan Wexelblat, HOVIR, USA

Rosalind Picard, MIT Media Lab, USA
Clifford Nass, Stanford University, USA
Kevin Warwick, University of Reading, UK
Cynthia Breazeal, MIT, USA


I Think, Therefore I M

  • Introducing Instant Messaging into the Workplace
    Mark Handel, Tom Finholt, University of Michigan, USA
    Jim Herbsleb, Dave Atkins, Lucent Technologies, USA
    Dave Boyer, Avaya Communications, USA
  • Hubbub: A Sound-Enhanced Mobile Instant Messenger That Supports Awareness and Opportunistic Interactions
    Ellen Isaacs, Alan Walendowski, Dipti Ranganathan, AT&T Labs, USA
  • When Conventions Collide: The Tensions of Instant Messaging Attributed
    Amy Voida, Wendy Newstetter, Elizabeth Mynatt, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA

Spatial Cognition

  • Women Take a Wider View
    Mary Czerwinski, George Robertson Microsoft Research, USA
    Desney Tan, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
  • Evaluating the Effectiveness of Spatial Memory in 2D and 3D Physical and Virtual Environments
    Andy Cockburn, Bruce McKenzie, University of Canterbury, New Zealand
  • Learning Where to Look: Location Learning in Graphical User Interfaces
    Brian Ehret, Sun Microsystems, USA

Practitioners Special Track - Usability in Practice

Formative Evaluations - Evolution and Revolution

Ginny Redish, Redish & Associates, USA
Randolph Bias, Austin Usability, USA

Joseph Dumas, Oracle, USA
Rolf Molich, DialogDesign, Denmark
Robert Bailey, Computer Psychology, USA
Jared Spool, User Interface Engineering, USA

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14:30 to 16:00


Design Expo 2

Dan Olson Jr., Bringham Young University, USA

Jonathan Arnowitz, Nuon Valley, Netherlands
Jared Braiterman, Shutterfly, USA
Elizabeth Dykstra-Erickson, Generic Media, USA
Shelley Evenson, Scient, USA
Gong Szeto, Rare Medium, USA


Focus Groups in HCI: Wealth of Information or Waste of Resources?

Stephanie Rosenbaum, Tec-Ed, USA

Gilbert Cockton, University of Sunderland, UK
Kara Coyne, Nielsen Norman Group, USA
Michael Muller, Lotus Research, USA
Thyra Rauch, IBM, USA


Web Behavior Pattern

  • How Knowledge Workers Use the Web
    Abigail Sellen, Rachel Murphy, Hewlett-Packard Labs, UK
    Kate Shaw, Aston University, UK
  • Applying Patterns of Cooperative Interaction To Work (Re)Design: E-Government and Planning
    David Martin, Mark Rouncefield, Ian Sommerville, Lancaster University, UK
  • Separating the Swarm: Categorization Methods for User Sessions on the Web
    Ed Chi, Jeffrey Heer, Xerox PARC, USA

Focus and Context

  • Popout Prism: Adding Perceptual Principles to Overview + Detail Document Interfaces
    Bongwon Suh, University of Maryland, USA Allison Woodruff, Ruth Rosenholtz, Alyssa Glass, Xerox PARC, USA
  • Keeping Things in Context: A Comparative Evaluation of Focus Plus Context Screens, Overviews, and Zooming
    Patrick Baudisch, Nathaniel Good, Victoria Bellotti, Pamela Schraedley, Xerox PARC, USA
  • Improving Focus Targeting in Interactive Fisheye Views
    Carl Gutwin, University of Saskatchewan, Canada

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16:30 to 18:00


Interactive Design

  • A Model Based Tool for Interactive Prototyping of Highly Interactive Applications
    Rémi Bastide, David Navarre, Philippe Palanque, University Toulouse, France
  • Physical Programming: Designing Tools for Children to Create Physical Interactive Environments
    Jaime Montemayor, Allison Druin, Allison Farber, Sante Simms, Wayne Churaman, Allison D'Amour, University of Maryland, USA
  • A Visual language for Sketching Large and Complex Interactive Designs
    James Lin, James Landay, UC Berkeley, USA
    Michael Thomsen, University of Aarhus, Denmark


Speech, Audio, and Gesture

  • SCANMail: A Voicemail Interface That Makes Speech Browsable, Readable, and Searchable
    Steve Whittaker, Julia Hirschberg, Larry Stead, Gary Zamchick, Aaron Rosenberg, Michiel Bacchiani, AT&T, USA
    Brian Amento, AT&T Labs - Research, USA
    Litza Stark, University of Delaware, USA
    Phil Isenhour, Virginia Tech, USA
  • Speech in the Call Center: Comparing Natural Language Call Routing with Touch-Tone Menus
    Bernhard Suhm, Josh Bers, Dan McCarthy, Barbara Freeman, David Getty, Katherine Godfrey, Patrick Peterson, BBN Technologies, USA
  • Gestural and Audio Metaphors as a Means of Control for Mobile Devices
    Antti Pirhonen, University of Jyvaskyla, Finland
    Stephen Brewster, Christopher Holguin, University of Glasgow, UK

Invited Discussion

Strengthening Communities: Tying the Virtual to the Real

Jenny Preece, UMBC, USA

Paul Resnick, University of Michigan, USA
Doug Schuler, The Evergreen State College, USA
(two other panelists to be arranged)

Practitioners Special Track - Usability in Practice

Alternatives to Formative Evaluations - Evolution and Revolution

Janice Rohn, Siebel Systems, USA
Jared Spool, User Interface Engineering, USA

Ginny Redish, Redish and Associates, USA
Michael Muller, IBM, USA
Mayuresh Ektare, Yanxia Yang, Cadence,USA
Sanjay Koyani, National Cancer Institute, USA

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