CHI 2002 minneapolis, minnesota USA | april 20-25, 2002
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Workshops On This Page:

12. HCI & IA: Information, Interaction, Interface and Usability Architects
Keith Instone, IBM.Com, USA
Lisa Chan, Stanford University, USA
Peter Boersma, Satama Interactive, The Netherlands
George Olsen, Interaction by Design, USA

How does what information architects do compare with what other HCI practitioners do? This workshop will let various "architects" (information, interaction, interface and usability) share their deliverables to help us understand the relationship between HCI and information architecture.

We will discuss themes that cut across our deliverables (type of document, audience, lifecycle stage). We will also address some of the larger issues around HCI and IA, such as skill overlaps and gaps, IA beyond web sites, and design vs. architecture.

Interested participants must fill out the form at and specify what type of architect they are. Participants must also submit several sample deliverables in order to be considered for the workshop. The deliverables have to be "publicly shareable" - submitters can use actual deliverables or create "sanitized" versions that can be publicly displayed.

Particpants will be selected based on several criteria, including the diversity of their backgrounds. Accepted participants will be expected to become familiar with the other participants deliverables before the workshop. Selected participants will also be asked to report on themes that cut across them.


Send position papers or questions to Keith Instone:

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13. Web Navigation Workshop: Exercising and Sharing Web Design Knowledge
Scott Berkun, Microsoft Corporation, USA

Interaction design is difficult to learn. Usability engineering provides structure for design thinking, but the specific process of generating ideas, reviewing, describing and deciding take time and experience to learn. Books often provide theories and approaches, but it is left to the reader to learn how and when to apply different kinds of thinking to the specific problems they are expected to solve on real world schedules. It is difficult to find open and fun forums for discussion with a diverse group of designers with different sets of experience. This workshop will provide an opportunity for designers to approach new problems, generate ideas as individuals, and then work together as a group critiquing solutions and discussing further ideas and underlying methods. Experienced designers can share their knowledge by showing good design practice, and can learn form others by observing how they approach the same problems.


Send position papers or questions to Scott Berkun:

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14. The Business Value of HCI: How Can We Do It Better?
Gitte Lindgaard, Carleton University, Canada
Nicola Millard, BTexact Technologies, UK

Business models look at bottom line costs of sale, but do they really account for the "true" costs of bad usability? Data on costs such as the number of post-sale customer contacts, the negative equity of customer word of mouth, and the need to re-engineer/document/re-launch a product because it just isn't fit for purpose are extremely difficult to come by, often because they are simply not collected. Yet, these are precisely the data HCI needs to cement itself into current business practices.

Questions we raise in this workshop include:

  • How does (or could) HCI contribute to the bottom line?
  • Where is the persuasive argument to the CEO that HCI is essential to the business?
  • How can HCI respond in webtime?
  • Can we justify our existence in the current commercial business models? Accounting and project management practices are over 100 years old - can we influence the way companies look at their bottom line by providing examples where HCI HAS made a difference.

We are convinced that there are many HCI folks out there who have data, thoughts, experiences, successes, disasters, and models to share. We also believe that by putting put it all together, your input can help strengthen our collective business case. If your story is any of the above and you are interested in furthering HCI at the business level, please send your position paper to Gitte Lindgaard or Nicola Millard.


Send position papers or questions to Gitte Lindgaard:

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15. It's a Global Economy Out There: Usability Innovation for Global Market Places
Mizue Fujinuma, Microsoft Corporation, USA
Kirsten Risden , Microsoft Corporation, USA

While PC sales in the US stagnate, computer and Internet usage internationally is exploding. Global market places have become increasingly more important for the survival of hardware and software industries. To ensure good user experience and profitability in international markets, there has been growing need to conduct international or cross-cultural usability research. Despite increasing dialog on the need for international usability research, there is comparatively little discussion about how to actually do such research. Our field needs more discussion around innovative usability methods to address the requirements of global market places. The goal of this workshop is to provide a forum for international usability researchers to share experiences and learn from experiences of other researchers. In this one-day workshop, participants will interact extensively with one another to share and understand common research questions, challenges, solutions, and current best practices for doing usability research in global contexts. Potential participants will provide a case study write up of a project where globalization or localization was addressed. Within their case studies participants should include:

  1. A description of the globalization problem or research question addressed,
  2. How the problem was addressed, specific challenges encountered and how those challenges were overcome including methods used, logistical considerations, etc.
  3. Outcomes of the work.

Participants will be selected based on their interest and experience with the problem and their potential for contributing innovative solutions representing the widest scope of approaches to international or cross-cultural usability work possible. Send case studies to Kirsten Risden at


Send position papers or questions to Mizue Funinuma:

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16. Mobile Ad Hoc Collaboration
Mark Billinghurst, University of Washington, USA
Hans - Werner Gellersen , Lancaster University, UK
Gerd Kortuem, University of Oregon, USA

The emergence of mobile ad-hoc networks (MANET) creates opportunities for new forms of mobile collaboration involving interaction between people who are co-located and organized in an unforeseeable way. The acceptance of MANET devices will depend on the applications they facilitate and the social benefits they provide. This workshop aims to provide a forum for the discussion of human-factors issues related to the design and evaluation of collaborative applications for mobile ad-hoc and personal-area networks. In particular, it tries to advance the understanding of how ad-hoc network applications can facilitate spontaneous collaboration. The workshop will focus on:

  • Taxonomies of ad hoc collaboration
  • Presence-based and face-to-face collaboration
  • Support for opportunistic meetings
  • Spontaneous collaboration
  • Mobile and wearable communities
  • Security and privacy aspects
  • Groupware for mobile collaboration
  • Design and evaluation methods

We seek contributions in the form of case/design studies, or evaluations of existing systems. The intention is to bring together researchers from a wide variety of disciplines such as CSCW, HCI, Mobile/Wearable Computing, Ubiquitous/Distributed Computing and Wireless Networking, to discuss issues related to the design, development, and evaluation of MANET applications.

Participants will be selected based on a 4-page position paper describing their interests or ongoing research in the field. Send submissions in PDF or postscript format to Gerd Kortuem at by January 20th. We plan to publish accepted submissions as part of workshop proceedings.


Send position papers or questions to Gerd Kortuem:

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17. Getting to Know You: Open Source Development Meets Usability
Nancy Frishberg, Sun Microsystems, USA
Anna Marie Dirks, Ximian Corporation, USA
Calum Benson, Sun Microsystems, Ireland
Seth Nickell, GNOME Usability Project, USA
Suzanna Smith, Sun Microsystems, USA
Andrea Mankoski, Sun Microsystems, USA

The human computer interaction (HCI) community has spent a great deal of time and energy studying and theorizing about collaborative computer supported work. But open source developers are actually in the trenches using CSCW methods and practices because they have no other choice. They work with limited budgets, highly distributed workgroups arranged in relatively non-hierarchical structures. CHI2002 presents a timely opportunity to join together in a face-to-face meeting to learn from one another, to test our assumptions, and to rid ourselves of stereotypes that may be holding us back from productive collaborations.

The workshop seeks to create a meeting place for people involved in open source development to encounter people involved in human computer interaction research and practice. The workshop aims to increase the likelihood that usability will become a core value in the open source community. We want to interact and exchange ideas about

  • assuring that distributed work leads to successful products
  • building trust and collaborative relationships in non-hierarchical systems
  • authorial rights and authority
  • attitudes toward users and user centered design

We invite open source developers and HCI professionals to send a statement of interest including suggestions for additional topics for our 1-day workshop. Statements shall not exceed 2 pages (approximately 500 words) and are due no later than January 22, 2002 to Nancy Frishberg . While we may want to include all interested parties in some activities in advance of the workshop and following on from it, we anticipate the face-to-face meeting will be limited to about 20 persons, half from the open software development side, and half from HCI. We will honor a broad range of opinions and experiences.


Send position papers or questions to Nancy Frishberg:

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18. Creativity and Interface: Looking at the Diverse Role of the Use of Computational Tools Within the Creative Process
Winslow Burleson, MIT Media Lab, USA
Ted Selker, MIT Media Lab, USA

This workshop will focus on the topic of Creativity and Interface, exploring the diverse role of computational tools within the creative process. These tools range from those that promote generative and evaluative tasks to ones that enhance capabilities, communication, resource utilization, etc.... Two sub-topics that have a significant bearing on computer enhanced creativity, Captology and Peak Performance, will also be discussed. Captology deals with emergence of persuasive technologies. The tools that make us peak performers are those tools that extend the users' ability to exploit any and all internal and external resources toward a focused goal. The specific goal of the workshop is to start the discussion on these topics to outline the exciting opportunities and to communicate this discussion as broadly as possible through, posters, journal articles, dedicated special issues and potentially an edited book if sufficient interest is generated (we believe that through our efforts and the relevance of the topic there will be sufficient interest to develop a book).

Participant Selection: Participants will be selected based upon a two page position statement on their work and their perspective on the topic. Everyone is encouraged to submit since we will try to represent a range of contributions and perspectives from diverse fields: Cognitive Science, Psychology, Computer, Interface Design, and Computer Science.

Please submit your Personal Statements by January 25, 2002 to Winslow Burleson:


Send position papers or questions to Winslow Burleson:

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19. Discourse Architectures: The Design and Analysis of Computer-Mediated Conversation
Thomas Erickson, IBM Research, USA
Susan Herring, Indiana University, USA
Warren Sack, University of California at Berkeley, USA

We use the phrase `Discourse Architectures' to highlight the relationship between online conversation (either text-based or digital audio) and structure. The phrase has two meanings, both of them relevant to our concerns. One meaning has to do with the structure of conversation itself, that is, with the ways in which the remarks which form a conversation interrelate and build upon one another. The second meaning has to do with architectures for discourse, with the ways in which the design of CMC systems shapes the conversations within them.

This workshop will investigate the relationship between the structure of online conversation and the design of CMC systems. Specifically, we propose to examine conversational coherence from the perspective of graphical interfaces.

Many approaches to discourse analysis make use of some form of graphical or diagrammatic representation in order to illustrate patterns of connections among utterances, meanings, and people in conversations. Within some disciplines (e.g., linguistics), these graphical representations are primarily intended to address specific research questions or support theoretical models. In other areas (e.g., CSCW), the purpose of the representations is more pragmatic: they are actual graphical interfaces that users can manipulate. We are interested in both kinds of representations, especially in the ways in which diagrams based on conversation research and/or theory might, suitably modified, be useful as interface designs, and the ways in which interface designs might usefully provide information to researchers about the nature of conversation.


Send position papers or questions to Thomas Erickson:

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20. New Technologies for Families
Catherine Plaisant, University of Maryland, College Park, USA
Allison Druin, University of Maryland, College Park, USA
Hilary Browne, University of Maryland, College Park, USA

Mobile phones, video games and the Internet have already changed the way families stay in touch, coordinate daily tasks or family events or even spend time together. There is increased interest from commercial companies and academic research labs in the development of new technologies for the home in general, and for families in particular, from applications to share digital photographs to specialized family message boards or monitoring devices for the elderly.

In this workshop, we hope to address some of the following questions. Can we develop technologies for families? What brings families together (celebrations, meals, chores, playing, etc.)? Can we develop innovative artifacts that support the needs of co-located and distributed intergenerational user? How to design for and with families? How can these technologies be embedded in our homes? Can they become a part of the very fabric of everyday family life?

Potential participants should submit a position paper (2 or more pages). A maximum of 15 participants will be selected. Selection criteria will include relevance, active involvement in research, and the presence of results to be shared with the group. We will balance industry and academia representation, and encourage international balance. Participants will be expected to read all position papers before the workshop. During the day demos and videos from selected projects will be presented in the morning. The afternoon will be dedicated to discussion and brainstorming in subgroups.


Send position papers or questions to Catherine Plaisant:

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