NEW! The conference will also be providing a $100 discount (off the current price) for 1/2 day tutorials and a $200 discount for any full day
tutorial. This discount is not available at the student rate.
Tutorials are courses that offer extended interactions with expert instructors. The courses available at CHI 2002 represent the leading edge of current practice and research in human-computer interaction. Tutorials cover emerging technologies and markets, along with usability methods and techniques. In-depth training in specialized areas is also provided. The tutorial program has been designed to provide diversity and depth, and to appeal to researchers and practitioners.
Tutorial Schedule
Full-Day: 9:00 to 17:30
Half-Day, Morning: 9:00 to 12:30
Half-Day, Afternoon: 14:00 to 17:30
Evening: 18:00 to 21:30
Earn Continuing Education Units (CEUs)
SIGCHI offers CEUs in accordance with guide- lines provided by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET).
The CEU is a recognized unit of measure for continuing education and professional training programs. Each CEU requires the successful completion of 10 hours of instruction. Successful completion of a CHI tutorial requires that you attend the entire session and participate fully in the learning activities.
You can earn 0.6 CEUs for each full-day tutorial (6 hours of instruction), and 0.3 CEUs for each half-day or evening tutorial (3 hours of instruction).
To obtain CEU credit, you must register for CEUs at the same time you register for your tutorials. There is a small administrative charge. After the conference, the ACE CEU Transcript Service will send you a letter confirming registration of your CEUs. In most cases, this letter is adequate proof that you have completed CEUs. In the rare case that it is not, the registry can issue an official transcript for a small fee. Please note that the conference does not issue certificates of completion. For further inquiries about obtaining CEU transcripts, you may contact the ACE registry at:
Tel: +1 202 939 9434
Fax: +1 202 833 3005
Transcripts may be ordered through this Web site.
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