Changing the World, Changing Ourselves in South Africa
Creating human-centered computing products in multicultural societies is
a difficult challenge. The CHI 2002 development consortium addresses this challenge in one particularly interesting context: the new South Africa. It will bring South African and international participants together with a common goal: to explore cultural experiences across a range of interactive technologies and applications, in various sectors vital to the growth of South African society and economy.
The Consortium will provide a forum for discussing recent developments and findings in multicultural HCI. South African participants will find opportunities for collaboration and mutual learning among themselves and with their international counterparts.
The Consortium will focus on issues that reflect the theme of this year's conference - through HCI we are changing the world and ourselves in South Africa:
- Establishing an HCI roadmap for South African industry: incorporating HCI into existing IT policies and initiatives
- Creating an awareness in the HCI community of how South African HCI education, research, and development are being structured to support the ideals of the African Renaissance and uplift and empower all sectors of society
- Identifying unique HCI opportunities and challenges in multiracial, multicultural countries such as South Africa
- Discussing how cultural variables may influence the design of applications for multicultural countries like South Africa
- Discussing the role of HCI in addressing opportunities and potential threats that emerging computing technologies pose for the diverse population of South African users
The Consortium will be conducted in a workshop format. The Consortium will take place over the two days preceding the main conference: Sunday and Monday, 21 and 22 April.
Participants in the Consortium receive partial reimbursement of travel expenses and hotel accommodation.
Submission Format
A Development Consortium submission has two parts: an extended abstract and a proposal. Prepare your submission as a single PDF file and send it by email to Instructions for producing and testing PDFs are available. If you cannot prepare an electronic PDF file, please contact us at +27 12 653 1909 (GMT +2) or at
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Extended Abstract
A two-page position paper describing research and development concluded or in progress, focusing on HCI work in any multicultural, multiracial, or multilinguistic community, but with specific reference to the goals stated above.
Papers should be in the conference proceedings format, suitable for publication in the CHI 2002 Extended Abstracts.
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The proposal should provide additional information on your background and relevant experience with HCI in South Africa or a similar multicultural region. This should include information about your specific HCI-related activities, as well as any additional information that demonstrates your potential contribution to the Consortium's objectives.
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- Submissions from individuals working in any multicultural environment are welcome, but must address South African issues directly.
- Your submission must be in English.
- Fax submissions will not be accepted.
- Submissions arriving after the deadline will not be considered.
- Your submission should contain no proprietary or confidential material and should cite no proprietary or confidential publications.
- Responsibility for permissions to use video, audio, or pictures of identifiable people rests with you, not CHI 2002.
- You will receive email notification upon receipt of your submission.
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Review Criteria
The CHI 2002 Development Consortium organizing committee will select participants based on the relevance of their submissions to the theme and their anticipated contribution to the Consortium goals.
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Upon Acceptance
All Consortium applicants will be notified of acceptance or rejection by 12 November 2001. Authors of accepted submissions will receive an Author Kit with detailed instructions on how to submit final camera-ready materials, which are due 7 December 2001.
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Please perform the activities in this checklist
to ensure completeness in your submission.
- Read the conference schedule.
- Prepare a one- to two-page extended abstract in the conference publications format, as described above.
- Prepare a proposal, as described above.
- Read the technology support information and list any non-standard technology support that your presentation absolutely requires.
- Collect the extended abstract, the proposal, and (if relevant) technology support requests in the order given and convert to PDF format. If you cannot prepare an electronic PDF file to send to us, please contact us at
- Send the electronic version of the extended abstract and proposal by email to