CHI 2002 minneapolis, minnesota USA | april 20-25, 2002
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short talks & interactive posters
On This Page:    Presentation Styles
   Review Criteria
   Submission Instructions
   Confidentiality of Submissions
   Upon Acceptance
   At the Conference

The Short Talks & Interactive Posters category provides an opportunity to present:

  • exciting new findings
  • ongoing work that has demonstrated special promise
  • work that is still in a state to be influenced through discussion, and
  • tightly argued essays or opinion pieces

The goal for this category is to provide a short, concise report of work that is important and likely to impact the CHI community.

Submissions should be two-page papers; accepted submissions will be published in the CHI 2002 Extended Abstracts. Submissions should include:

  • a concise description of the idea
  • your results or findings
  • implications of your work to the field of HCI, and
  • recommendations for further investigation

Full literature searches are not expected, although relevant citations should be included. Summaries of wider findings or reduced versions of longer papers are not suitable for the Short Talks & Interactive Posters submission category.

Presentation Styles
Short Talks are mainly oral presentations by the author, while Interactive Posters focus more on discussion between the author and attendees. Authors should indicate their order of preference for the two presentation styles. Authors who provide only one preference will be considered for that presentation style only. Authors who provide a second preference will be considered for their second preference if their first preference is not available.

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Review Criteria
Each submission will be reviewed on the basis of its contribution to the field of HCI, validity and clarity of the results, originality of the work, and quality of the written presentation. See the Papers submission category for more information on review criteria. In addition, the submission's suitability for presentation as a Short Talk or an Interactive Poster will be considered. Also note that, unlike Paper submissions, Short Talks and Interactive Posters submissions are not anonymous. They must be camera-ready.

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Prepare a two-page, camera-ready paper in the CHI conference publications format including title, author information, abstract, keywords, body, and references. Short Papers and Interactive Posters should be submitted electronically for reviewing. Accepted Short Papers and Interactive Posters will be published in the CHI 2002 Extended Abstracts.

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Submission Instructions
The paper should be submitted electronically, in PDF format, by the deadline of 7 December 2001, 17:00 (5:00 p.m.), your local time. The confidentiality of your submission will be maintained throughout the review process. Follow the instructions for electronic submissions to submit the PDF file and enter the requested information. Guidance for creating and testing PDFs is also available.

We will use your electronically submitted PDF file during the review process, and, if accepted, the submitted PDF file is what we will print. However, if we have problems handling the PDF file for your paper, we will contact you to work out the problems or to request a backup hardcopy printout.

If you do not have web access, please contact the Short Talks & Interactive Posters Co-Chairs to arrange an alternative submission procedure.

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Confidentiality of Submissions
Confidentiality of submissions is maintained during the review process. All submitted materials will be kept confidential until the date of the conference, 20 April 2002.

Submissions should contain no information or materials that will be proprietary or confidential at the time of publication, and should cite no publications that are proprietary or confidential at the time of publication.

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Upon Acceptance
Authors will be sent an email notification of acceptance or rejection by 11 February 2002. Upon acceptance you must complete and return a copyright release form in order to be published. This form will be sent with the acceptance letter. Authors of accepted Interactive Posters must prepare a poster presenting their ideas at the conference. Be sure to consult the Poster Preparation Guidelines before preparing your poster.

Please note that, due to publication schedules, revisions will not be possible. The PDF version you submit for review will be considered the final camera-ready version of your paper. Therefore, ensure that your paper submission is clearly written, carefully proofread, and correctly formatted.

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At the Conference
Short Talks will consist of a 10-minute presentation with up to 5 minutes for discussion. Only standard technology support will be provided for Short Talks. Interactive Posters will be displayed during the conference in an area where people walk around and meet during breaks. Additionally, authors are required to be available at the poster during a scheduled poster session for discussion with the attendees.

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  • Your submission must be in English.
  • Submissions must be camera-ready. The paper submitted for review is the same one that will be published in CHI 2002 Extended Abstracts.
  • Submissions will not be accepted by fax or email.
  • Submissions arriving after the deadline will not be considered.
  • Responsibility for permissions to use video, audio or pictures of identifiable people rests with you, not with CHI 2002.
  • Short Papers and Interactive Posters must be submitted electronically.
  • If you cannot produce such an electronic submission, please contact the Co-Chairs as soon as possible.
  • You will receive email notification upon receipt of your submission.

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Please perform the activities in this checklist to ensure completeness in your submission.


Marilyn Salzman
Salzman Consulting

Tom Gross





7 December 2001
(5:00 pm, your local time)


See the instructions for electronic submissions

 see also

conference schedule
publications format
technology support
producing & testing PDFs
request a mentor

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