CHI 2002 minneapolis, minnesota USA | april 20-25, 2002
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home > submissions > participation categories > tutorials
On This Page:    Suggest / Rate Tutorials
   Sample Submissions
   Attendee Background
   Review Criteria
   Description for the Advance Program
   Requirements List
   Upon Acceptance
   Tutorial Notes

Tutorials provide conference participants with the opportunity to gain new insights, knowledge, and skills in a broad range of areas in the field of human-computer interaction. Tutorial topics range from practical guidelines and standards to academic issues and theory. Tutorial participants include user interface designers and users, software developers, managers of human-computer interface projects, human factors practitioners, interface evaluators and testers, industrial designers, teachers of HCI, researchers in human-computer interaction, and professionals in other areas seeking to gain an understanding of how HCI relates to their specialties.

The CHIplace website has a tutorials questionnaire, which allows you to indicate the tutorial topics you are interested in, suggest a tutorial, and rate the tutorials offered at CHI 2001.

Each tutorial is designed to be a half-day or full-day in duration. Half-day tutorials are three hours long (not including breaks). Full-day tutorials are six hours long (not including breaks).

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Attendee Background
The background of attendees assumed by the tutorial should be described explicitly and in detail in the proposal. Include any prerequisites such as knowledge of HCI content, processes, and procedures. State any skills that are needed to understand tutorial content or to complete the exercises. Also, state whether the tutorial is intended to introduce participants to an area, or to further develop the expertise of knowledgeable participants.

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Tutorials cover a wide range of HCI-related topics, such as usability assessment, user interface development software, theories, graphical design, requirements analysis techniques, design methodologies, behavioral analysis and modeling, multimedia, groupware, and legal issues. Submissions for tutorials on emerging topics, such as alternative interfaces, biomedical device interfaces, and interfaces for wearable computers are also encouraged.

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Review Criteria
Tutorial proposals will be evaluated on the basis of their estimated benefit for prospective participants and on their fit within the tutorials program as a whole. Factors to be considered include relevance, timeliness, importance, and audience appeal; suitability for presentation in a half-day or full-day tutorial format; use of presentation methods that offer participants direct experience with the material being taught; and past experience and qualifications of the instructors. Selection is also based on the overall distribution of topics, approaches (overview, theory, methodology, how-to), audience experience levels, and specialties of the intended audiences. Thus, not all tutorials of technical merit can be accommodated.

The attendees evaluate all presented tutorials. To help instructors prepare for how their tutorials will be evaluated, the tutorial evaluation form is available in Word format (35k) and PDF format (5k).

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Submissions for CHI 2002 Tutorials must include three documents: proposal, description for the CHI 2002 Advance Program, and requirements list.

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Prepare a proposal, no longer than 10 pages, for review purposes. It should:

  • indicate the duration of your proposed tutorial
  • describe the learning objectives of the tutorial
  • describe in detail the material that will be covered in the course
  • justify the tutorial for a CHI audience
  • explain how the tutorial will be conducted
  • give a schedule of events with time allocations
  • describe and provide samples of materials that will be included in the tutorial notes
  • in cases of multiple instructors, indicate role and percentage involvement of each instructor

If the proposed tutorial has been given previously, the proposal should include where the tutorial has been given and how it will be modified for CHI 2002. If the tutorial has been given at a previous CHI conference, describe how changes to the tutorial will address comments from previous attendees. Additional materials may be submitted, but will not necessarily be included in the review process.

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Description for the Advance Program
The description for the CHI 2002 Advance Program should contain the following sections:

  • Title of the tutorial, up to 60 characters.
  • Names and affiliations of the instructors.
  • Benefits: The benefit statement should contain a summary of what skills and knowledge the attendees will gain as a result of attending this tutorial.
  • Origins: The origins should state the history of this tutorial (e.g., whether it was given at past CHI conferences or related venues).
  • Features: The features consist of a bulleted list. The items in this list should include the educational goals and/or major elements of the tutorial content.
  • Audience: The audience should be described in terms that include any background required to understand the tutorial. State the disciplines and/or organizational roles of attendees who would be interested in your tutorial.
  • Presentation: List the various presentation forms used in the tutorial, e.g., lecture, demo, exercise, video, group discussion, and/or case studies.
  • Instructor background: List the background for each instructor, including current employment and activities, previous professional activities, and relevant publications.

The description should be no longer than 1500 characters. Longer descriptions will be cut. The paper/PDF version of the CHI 2002 Advance Program description does not need to be in a special format. In addition to the paper/PDF version, you also need to submit a plain-text version of the description in a simple email message.

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Requirements List
Prepare a list of requirements for running the tutorial. Include any supplies required for each participant, restrictions or conditions on offering the tutorial, non-standard technology support requests (see the Technology Support Information section) and other information that the review committee should know in considering the proposal.

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Upon Acceptance
Instructors will be notified of acceptance or rejection by 15 October 2001. Acceptance is conditional upon the instructors' compliance with deadlines and requirements.

Instructors of accepted tutorials will also receive an Author Kit with detailed format requirements for preparation of camera-ready versions of their tutorial notes. The tutorial notes are due by 7 December 2001.

Instructors must prepare course material (tutorial and notes) specifically for the CHI 2002 tutorial session. Presentation materials used by the instructor for other courses or projects must be reworked within the guidelines described in the Author Kit.

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Tutorial Notes
Previous CHI attendees have indicated that tutorial notes are a valuable benefit of taking a tutorial. Consequently, proposed tutorials are accepted contingent upon receipt of high-quality tutorial notes. The notes should serve as reference materials for attendees and should support the presentation of material during the tutorial.

Tutorial notes should include:

  • an introduction to the topic
  • copies of all overhead transparencies and slides
  • an annotated bibliography
  • copies of relevant background material or scholarly papers (for which the instructors have obtained any necessary reprint permission)
  • tutorial exercises, as appropriate

Instructors must sign a release form giving CHI 2002 one-time-only permission to utilize the notes for tutorial participants and to sell notes at the conference.

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An honorarium of $1,500 USD will be awarded for each half-day tutorial that is taught, $3,000 USD for each full-day. If a tutorial has two or more instructors, the honorarium will be shared among them. Instructors must pay for their own travel expenses and conference registration.

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  • Your submission must be in English.
  • Your submission may be either electronic (PDF) or hardcopy.
  • Submissions will not be accepted by fax.
  • Submissions arriving after the deadline will not be considered.
  • Your submission should contain no proprietary or confidential material and should cite no proprietary or confidential publications.
  • Responsibility for permissions to include copies of material or scholarly articles rests with you, not with CHI 2002.
  • Responsibility for permissions to use video, audio, or pictures of identifiable people rests with you, not with CHI 2002.
  • If your submission is hardcopy, we strongly suggest the use of express mail or a courier service for speedy delivery. Customs labels should bear the words "Educational materials with no commercial value".
  • You will receive email notification upon receipt of your submission.

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Please perform the activities in this checklist to ensure completeness in your submission.

  • Read the conference schedule and submitting to CHI.
  • Review the Tutorial Submission Samples (see the 'sample submissions' sidebar above).
  • Prepare a proposal for review.
  • Prepare an Advance Program description.
  • Prepare an email version of the Advance Program description, as described above.
  • Prepare a requirements list, as described above.
  • Collect the proposal, the Advance Program description, and the requirements list, in the order given, in a packet. If you are submitting hardcopy, make nine copies of the packet. Use 8.5 x 11 inch or A4 paper. If you are submitting electronically, prepare PDF files.
  • If submitting hardcopy, make sure each copy of the packet is stapled, not loose or held by clips.
  • If submitting hardcopy, mail to:

    Michael E. Atwood
    College of Information Science and Technology
    Drexel University
    3141 Chestnut Street
    Philadelphia, PA 19104

  • If submitting electronically, send by email to
  • Send the plain text version of the Advance Program description by email to


Michael Atwood
Drexel University

Kumiyo Nakakoji
SRA Key Technology Laboratory & Nara Institute of Science and Technology



Michael E. Atwood
College of Information Science and Technology
Drexel University
3141 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104

Tel: +1 215 895 6273


27 July 2001
(5:00 pm, your local time)

 author kit

tutorials author kit


tutorial evaluation form
(Word format, 35k)
(PDF format, 5k)

 suggest/rate tutorials

tutorials questionnaire (on the CHIplace website)

 sample submissions

For those new to this process, please look at the sample submissions to help you follow the procedures outlined in the text. The sample submissions are in Rich Text Format (RTF):

proposal (32k)

requirements (6k)

advanced program description (9k)

 see also

conference schedule
publications format
technology support
producing & testing PDFs
request a mentor

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