Special Interest Groups (SIGs) enable conference attendees who share an interest to meet informally for 90 minutes of discussion. CHI 2002 provides meeting space and advertises formal SIG meetings in the CHI 2002 Final Program. Submissions for formal SIGs must be received by the deadline; informal SIGs may be organized at the conference on a space-available basis.
Review Criteria
SIG success depends on effective leadership and planning. Please contact the SIG Co-Chairs before submitting a proposal to discuss your ideas and questions. SIG proposals will be reviewed by a committee. Acceptance is based on the relevance of the SIG topic to HCI and the plan for attendee interaction and participation. Proposals must be authored by two or more individuals that represent at least two organizations.
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Prepare a two-page proposal describing the content of the SIG, its relevance to the HCI community, and how the SIG discussion will be organized, including a draft schedule indicating how the 90 minutes will be used. Also, list at the end of your proposal any related submissions that you have made to CHI 2002. Prepare your proposal as a PDF file. If you cannot prepare an electronic PDF file to send to us, please contact us at chi2002-sigs@acm.org. For CHI 2002, SIG proposals will not be published in the extended abstracts.
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Upon Acceptance
You will be notified of acceptance or rejection of your submission by 21 January 2002.
Upon acceptance you must complete and return a copyright release form in order to be published. This form will be sent with the acceptance letter. Formal SIGs will be listed in the CHI 2002 Final Program.
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At the Conference
The only audiovisual support provided for SIGs is an overhead projector. Each SIG will be scheduled for a 90 minute session.
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After the Conference
Following the conference, SIG organizers are encouraged to submit an article summarizing the SIG for publication in the SIGCHI Bulletin. Several SIGs have led to proposals
for successful workshops at subsequent CHI conferences.
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- Your submission must be in English.
- Submissions arriving after the deadline will not be considered.
- Your submission should contain no proprietary or confidential material and should cite no proprietary or confidential publications.
- Responsibility for permissions to use video, audio, or pictures of identifiable people rests with you, not CHI 2002.
- You will receive email notification upon receipt of your submission.
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Please perform the activities in this checklist to ensure completeness in your submission.